Well I spent almost a week in Bangkok. I hung around Kao Sarn for a day just shopping and bumming around. Then moved back To Suk 11, the same hostle I've been staying at for years now. There I met up with Derek. Was preetty much the same old stuff. I ate some Good Somtem (papaya salad) from the lady in the back, and had a Banana Roti from "happy" down the road. I also met (yet another) crazy English girl from London. Anyway we both didn't have any plans so we decided to hook up and head to Kanchaniburi. I've never been here before but it has been recommended by several people. I absolutly love it here.
This is where the bridge over the river Kwai is.

Well lucky for me, Debby is one of those people who loves to do things and get things done!
So in the past 3 days I went to the tigre temple ( I got to pet a tigre). Went for a hike up the most beautiful limestone water falls.

I didn't swim in the pools though, Eventhough we had been hiking up-hill fo 3 hours and i was sweaty and hot and the pools were gorgeouse and blue. And the water was clear, so you could see each and every one of the fish, and there was lots of them, So i chickened out (ask me to pick up a snake, hold a spider, no problem, but swim with fish? Forget it!!)

anyway after that I went to Hellfire pass. which is where POWs and asian labourers built the way for the train to go through, many people died there, and also hung around the Bridge over the river Kwai.
Today I went Kayaking down the river Kwai, which was amazing!! We saw a pretty blue bird .I liked it so much I'm going to do it again tomorrow.
The reason why I love this city SO much is the people here are just so amazingly smiley and friendly and food, MY GOD the food, is just too good. Actually the only reason why I'm going kayaking again is to have a reason to stay one more day to eat more food!
Is this a real Tiger?!
of course it is
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