Well our van is purrrring like a kitten, It only took 7 mechanics and 2 weeks of patience and about 5 different parts to make it run like that. Luckily and somehow we managed to pull this all off for barely any $$$ at all.
So Now we're pretty happy. We've met a bunch of other random people, and scammed our way into a few other free rooms and beds. People seems to pitty us when they ask "where are you sleeping" and we point to the big white van on the side of the road. Meh works for me. Eventhough the van provides me with everything i need, it's always interesting waking up in a new place with new people. We went to "BLACKBUTT reserve" where we got to see some Walibees and kangeroos, and the cutest animals ever here: KOALAS, man they're so cute and sleepy.
We're finally headed up the coast now. We stopped in a tiny town called Forster, nothing to exciting. Then we drove another 10 hours north and ended up in Byron Bay. Oh man this place is crawling with people. The night life is crazy and oh god, i thought we were original with the campervanning around Australia, but it seems that every second person here is doing the same. What a crazy bunch of hippies.
To make things even crazier here, there's a huge Blues Festival going on all week-end, so people from all over Australia are here. Well sadly its raining today and there's not too much to do,.
We bought some chocolate eggs and we're going to hide them in the van and go for an easter egg hunt later.
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