So my life continues to play cruel little jokes. Just as things start to look good and jobs start heading my way, I get a job at a hotel. I went out bought myself some suits, and started working my ass off to learn everything there is to know, a week later they cut my hours (cuz the girl that originally left wants her hours back). So technically I still work there, yet i haven't worked in a week and a half, and any other jobs I may have had a chance with are now also gone. So now I have to start all over again in my hunt, but on the plus side, i now know i look pretty damn good in a suit, hahaha. Anyway I plan to go plant trees in northern Ontario in May (assuming my appointment at the allergist goes well, beause trees and I haven't been the best of friend lately) and until then I'll just try to find whatever job I can, or if something better comes along I'll stick with that for awhile. either way I have A LOT of work to do before I can head out on my next adventure...